Wednesday 4 June 2014

An inspirational day

Yesterday was a truly inspirational day. I spent the day walking from Hull to Hornsea accompanying a friend and colleague of Janet's, Roy Taylor, on the last leg of his amazing journey.

The end of the journey at Hornsea
I'd not met Roy before, but had heard a lot about him from Janet. Roy was recently diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease, a terrible, debilitating, terminal illness. He has already lost most of the use of his legs and now needs a wheelchair to get about. Once in his chair, Roy found it very frustrating not being able to visit the countryside he loved to visit as an able-bodied person, never mind the more formal nature-reserves.

So Roy undertook a challenge, to travel coast-to-coast, 215 miles along the Trans Pennine-Trail, in his 4x4 wheelchair. Yesterday we joined him on the final leg of this amazing journey, a truly inspirational but humbling day. All of the money raised will be spent on improving access at RSPB reserves so that people can like Roy can still enjoy getting out into the countryside and be able to see wildlife.

You can read the whole amazing story on Roy's blog

If you can afford it, please consider supporting Roy's cause here

I got home in time to spend an hour at Druridge. Highlights were a drake garganey and an immature spoonbill on the Budge fields and a male marsh harrier headed north.

On Monday evening I managed a visit to the patch after work and added to new species to the year-list - little egret (thanks to ADMc for the tip-off) and greenfinch.

131 little egret
132 greenfinch

PWC Score 172

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