Monday 23 August 2010

Wet, Wet, Wet

Got back from the birdfair late last night, another successful and enjoyable weekend despite camping in the rain.

It was good to catch up with folks, especially the people I only see once a year. I made the acquaintance of Skev for the first time and also caught up with fellow bloggers James Lidster and Alan Tilmouth. Quite a few readers of this nonsense called by to say hello to. Oh, and Bo the Fat Birder promised the virus thing in the Fatbirder counter doobie is now fixed.

I managed to avoid spending too much dough, bargain of the weekend was a wide-brimmed Gore-tex hat for £5, I look like idiot in it but it'll be just he job for Kenya.
Busy Bird Fair - Marquee 2

Johnny Kingdom visits the Northumberland Stand - John and Tom don't look impressed

Birdfair Food Court - If you want to spend hundreds of pounds but don't need new optics, just eat here
Back to reality today, back to Druridge, I just got there (about 11ish) and it started to rain and it's pissed it down since.

The glum expression on this heron's face sums up my feelings - it should migrate, I wish I could!

Why does it always rain on me?

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